Still more reviewer praise
"This anthology of fourteen original pulp sci fi, horror, and thrillers hearkens back to the nostalgic post-war days of movies featuring water-heater robots with blinking plastic eyes, fog-shrouded Universal backlots where comedians flee classic monsters, lumbering mutants and aliens in rubber suits wreaking havoc on suburbia, mad scientists with dastardly plans turning dials and tapping gauges, and junior G-Men patrolling their neighborhood for commie spy rings...
"DC Larson has created a wide variety of short stories reminiscent of those chillers, produced in a more innocent time when evil never won, when the Army deployed to blast invading UFOs and giant amoebas with tentacles, and when a kid, reporter or scientist with a little know-how and a lot of gumption could save the day.
"Larson captures that spirit of slapdash production values and naive film making in literary form. It's as if he remembered those glory days of cheesy, youthful imagination, and invented original, yet familiar tales along the same lines...
"It actually works, because the reader envisions B-list actors in the roles, and it all seems to fit together for a rousing good read."
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